Report: Love Nanyuki, Kenya Mission - Reached 36000+ with 6000+ decisions for Jesus
Next month’s newsletter:
Report: Love Karatina, Kenya Mission – Reached 33000+ with nearly 3000 decisions for Jesus
Total: Reached over 69,000 people with over 9,000 documented decisions for Jesus
Nanyuki for Jesus!
It was a blast serving alongside all the great preaching evangelists (I was only one) and the entire team: Kubamba, CITAM, PJ Meduri, Jon Setzer, and Josh Brewer. We also worked with the great team from Message Trust in the UK, Stunt Dudes, Cypres Band, Global Network of Evangelist staff Desmond, Bryce, Heather, Karen. Denver and Daniel, Ash, Paul & Cathy...and others. And of course, all the pastors, leaders, and churches.
Nanyuki stats: We reached a total of 36,150 people in schools, prisons, marketplaces and at the festival. We also had 6,230 recorded decisions for Christ during the mission throughout all the events.
he night I preached in Nanyuki: It was the final night of the festival and I was nervous. The entire week of outreach was running through my mind. The remembrance of seeing the powerful African ministry of Kubamba in the schools. All the preaching at the street outreaches, the business and police meetings and everyone involved all week serving, praying, and working. Now we're at the final night of the festival and we're all tired. A good tired for God. I have watched all the musicans, the stunt dudes doing their tricks on the bikes and sharing the Good News of Jesus. Then the young powerful team of Mission Trust from Manchester, England took the stage. They did great singing, dancing, and sharing their love for Jesus. Now, I am about to walk on stage, my hands are sweating, I have been praying and preparing a message entitled "The Greatest Love". My main text will be the most famous verse in all the Bible: John 3:16. But, I will use about 25 different verses tonight. I am praying that God will speak through me to all who are in attendance. The field is full of people. Some are here and they are hurting, and hoping to find answers for life. Some are parents that are praying their teenager will open their heart to Jesus. All of us need the Lord. I take the stage, open my Bible, and start preaching. There are thousands gathered here tonight, I preached my best for my Lord. I am intentional to share the whole Gospel, nothing less than what Jesus has done on the cross to save sinful humanity. At the end, I give the invitation to receive Christ. I feel drained spiritually, emotionally, and physically. At the same time, I feel a rush of Holy Spirit power as I watch hundreds stream forward to make a public profession of faith and pray with me to recieve Jesus as their personal Savior. What a powerful God we serve! What an honor to preach His Good News of salvation and see Him draw men, women, boys and girls to Himself. All glory to God! May Jesus be honored and glorified.
As one African brother in Christ said it in the video below:
"Nanyuki will never be the same!"
Be sure to see video below:
Also, check out the pictures below: