Right now, in America, it is a tense political season as we seek to elect our next President. There is a lot of campaigning going on. I am also campaigning, but the only One I will campaign for is Jesus Christ. I am called to travel and preach the gospel. I love the opportunity to stand before crowds and talk about Jesus and what He did on the cross for the salvation of men, women, boys and girls. I also enjoy the smaller sized outreaches, and the challenge of one-on-one conversations. The emphasis is always on Jesus and His work on the cross. Sometimes the passage, topic, or approach may change, but never the core message of Jesus and salvation. This was the case in Zambia.
What we saw God do in Zambia, Africa!
The poster below shows statistics for all events including the months leading up to the Kalulushi festival and all affinity events during our time there.
The following breaks down some of these numbers.
Statistics breakdown:
Statistics from Kalulushi, Zambia, Africa Festival only: Approximately 36,500 in attendance.
My night on stage: Estimated 12,000 with 778 first time “documented - professions of faith”
Each number represents an individual person. That is why numbers matter in reporting mass evangelistic initiatives.
I want to acknowledge the following people and teams I had the honor to collaborate with on this evangelistic initiative:
Global Network of Evangelists: Desmond Henry, Karen Kandia, Tom Miyashiro, Edd Mungai, and Bryce Kwant
Photos: Denver Sumption
Sound and Tech: Daniel Simon
Pastors of Kalulushi, Zambia
Government, Civic, and Business leaders of Kalulushi, Zambia
Artists: Cypres Band (Zach, Sarah, and Kailah), JimO, Cjay, Collins the Machine, Yellow Dove, Ace the Minister, Kubamba, and the BMX guys
Team members: Maisie, Paris, Ola, and JD
Other evangelists: Pastor Alpha Hayward and Norman Voss
Thank you to all of you who prayed and invested financially
to accomplish this work of our Lord. All glory to our King Jesus!