Rukomo, Rwanda (Africa)
70,000 in attendance over 4 days at the crusade and 5095 documented commitments to Jesus Christ. - Praise God! (In collaboration with P.J. Meduri and Taking the Field Ministries) 2,900 kids in attendance at schools (some public schools) heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ.P.J. Meduri (my colleague and fellow evangelist) and I preached in 4 churches during our trip.
We visited the Gahini hospital and prayed with many sick there. We supplied 22 goats to needy families. As they breed them, these goats are a sustainable source of food, milk, and income for years. We visited the Ebenezer Harvest Ministries School (founded by our friend Pastor Augustine Butera). Some of the children that attend are orphans, and they've even seen Muslim families come to Christ through their work with the children at the school. We helped to invest financially into a barn that will house cows which are fed and milked in the barn, then the cows provide a source of food and milk for the children at the school.