Carolina Connect Conference 2024

Carolinas Connect Conference: July 19


I would like to personally invite you and your spouse to the Carolinas Connect Conference on July 19th. I believe it will be very beneficial for you personally as a leader.     


In addition, invite some others to the Connect Conference on July 19th.  Anyone interested in evangelism: evangelists, pastors, church members, ministry leaders, missionaries, anyone you think would be interested. It will be an opportunity for them to grow, connect and collaborate with others.


Dave Jones will be joining us. He was one of Luis Palau's right-hand men for like 45 years. He will be sharing leadership and evangelism insights we may not get anywhere else.


Here is agenda of the July 19 Charlotte Connect program:


8:30       Registration, Coffee, Reception

9:00       Welcome, Prayer, Introductions:  Dave Jones

9:20       Session 1: Paul Durham and round table discussions

10:30    BREAK

10:45    Session 2: Nick Hurst and round table discussions

Noon     Lunch Buffet or Box Lunches

1:00       Session 3: David Jones and round table discussions

2:10       Operation Carolinas, Evangelizing Smaller Markets: Paul Durham

2:30       Session 4: Final Thoughts, Wrap Up & Next Steps

2:50       Group Photo

3:00       Adjourn