I was so blessed to serve with a great team of pastors in Armenia, and especially Daniel Rus of the Palau Association. Daniel does a good job leading with his gift of administration. Also, our fantastic interpreter Liana Harutyunyan. God did a great work in Armenia. Ten events serving multiple churches and reaching 884 in attendance with 469 believers bringing 415 non-believing friends and family. Praise God for 258 first time professions of faith recorded. Glory to Jesus!
Thanks to all who prayed, gave, and supported these evangelistic outreaches.
As stated above, just recently, hundreds were influenced by the gospel in Armenia. A war-torn country that is numb and hurting and searching for answers. Hundreds responded to the invitation to make Jesus the Lord of their lives and find their peace, security, forgiveness, and eternal salvation in Him.
It is important to me that you feel like a significant part of the Lord’s ministry that He has given us together.
Please take seriously that by the grace of God, we are impacting the entire world with the Good News of Jesus!
Just before getting up to preach the gospel to a group in Armenia.
We are, in our own small way, being used by God in the same manner as Billy Graham and team or Luis Palau and team were used. Those great evangelists have moved to heaven and now it is our time on earth to fulfill Christ's command:
Mark 16:15 (NLT) And then he told them, Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.
I love all of you and I am glad we can do this together!
Coming Up Next
December – First week: Costa Rica, Cabuya & Paquera area leaders, Southern & Central Nicoya Peninsula. Preaching, training, social outreach projects for Christmas and planning for future opportunities.
Pray for Future Plans – Intentions – Prayer Requests
· Eastern European countries, possible one or two a year. Training, serving, and Gospel Proclamation.
Possibly Romania & Ukraine next year.
Latin American countries, possible one or two a year. Training, serving, and Gospel Proclamation.
Costa Rica & possibly one more next year.
Praying for open opportunities in the USA also.
Pray for the believers, pastors, and leaders to be equipped, encouraged, and strengthened in the gospel.